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"So morbid...a sentimental replica of a planet long since vanished..."
~ General Zod


Scuzzy Day

Hey y'all...pretty cruddy day in Toronto today; clouded over and muggy. Gonna watch some Eastenders and then head up for a swim (I'm a bore, I know). Don't fret, however, I'll be going out shopping today sometime.

Was at home all night last night, just didn't feel like going out. Managed to take in a few episodes of Dallas between trips to the balcony.

The Lost Child - Bobby and Ray hire a new ranchhand who is a drifter with a young son that Bobby takes a shine to. Sue Ellen begins seeing a psyciatrist about her marriage. JR is suspicious and has her tailed by a private eye - when he finds out that she's going to the one psychiatrist in Dallas that could get her in bed, he gets annoyed. Pam falls off her horse and loses the baby. She tells Bobby about her hereditary condition. Digger and Cliff show up at the hospital. Cliff tells Digger that he DOES have a grandchild - JR Ewing III. Pam and Bobby return to Southfork in time to have to say goodbye to the young ranchhand's son.

Rodeo - Ray receives a letter from Donna Culver, a woman he fell for in Season 1. He puts it in his desk with a large collection of other letters from her. The Ewing Rodeo is about to take place. Sue Ellen and Bobby travel to Fort Worth where Bobby has business. Sue Ellen meets Dusty Farlow, a cowboy and is quite taken with him. Bobby, Ray and Dusty all compete in the rodeo. Digger comes to Southfork against Pam's wishes, to see the child. Miss Ellie takes him. JR notices Sue Ellen spending a lot of time with Dusty and breaks them up, taking Sue Ellen back upstairs to find out why she can't even let him touch her.

Mastectomy I - Miss Ellie discovers she has to undergo surgery to determine what the lump in her breast is. She insists on not telling Jock, but she does tell Pam. Jock confronts JR about the trust fund for Amanda and JR reveals that he never did set up the trust fund. Jock is incensed but JR claims it was because he hadn't told Miss Ellie about Amanda. Jock agrees. Sue Ellen continues to see a lot of Dusty Farlow. Before her surgery, Jock tells Miss Ellie about Amanda and she becomes enraged, worried that Jock will dump her as soon as she is sick. She leaves the room, never telling Jock about the possible cancer. She is about to have surgery when Pam calls Jock to tell him. He arrives at the hospital and tells a groggy Miss Ellie that he loves her. She has surgery and it turns out it is cancerous and they remove her left breast. Jock is devestated.

...to be continued...


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