Well, well, well...today is the kind of day that makes life worth living.
People (well, one person) have complained about a lack of updates. There's loads to tell, but I don't feel like barfing it up at this moment in time until some papers are signed and certain things sorted out.
The short version - my lesbian roommate has decided after living with me for a month (a month in which she has done little else besides complain about her experience living with her girlfriend (or ex-girlfriend, depending on the day)). She's planning on moving in with her girlfriend (ex-girlfriend). Very smart move. Fine. She unfortunately gave me her 'notice' on the 5th day of the month. So sad. Now I've found a new place on my own and she's going ot have to pay for an extra month because she's got zero-to-no-clue about landlord/tenant law in Canada. No skin off my nose.
Anyhoo...on a brighter note, found this audio clip of Faye Dunaway reaming some guy out over the phone. Nice.
Categories: Faye_Dunaway, lesbian, roommate, drama, apartment